Archive Tag: Karell Trial Attorneys

Patience Pays: A Tentative Timeline for Your Personal Injury Case

Patience Pays: A Tentative Timeline for Your Personal Injury Case If you’ve (or a loved one has) suffered a personal injury, one of the immediate questions you might have is, “How long will it take to resolve my case?” The timeline for a personal injury case can vary based on a number of different factors.

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Expert Tips: Safe Celebrations for Graduations & Summer Vacations

Graduation celebrations and summer vacations mark the most beautiful moments in life filled with anticipation and celebration. Yet, beneath the surface of these joyous occasions, it is important to consider safety matters. Picture the thrill of tossing your graduation cap into the air or embarking on a sun-soaked road trip. But your outlook toward safety

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Workplace Injury and Seeking Compensation: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’ve been injured at work, you might be wondering if your injury qualifies as ‘work-related.’ Work-related accidents refer to injuries, illnesses, or conditions that happen during your employment and are connected to your job duties while at work. In this blog, we will detail what qualifies as a workplace injury, the latest stats on

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Addressing Pedestrian Accidents in Georgia: A Growing Concern

The latest pedestrian accident case in Georgia has left citizens shaken. Following a tragic incident in the Mall of Georgia’s parking lot involving a 4-year-old girl, legal action is now underway. Despite initial decisions by the county police, the Gwinnett County District Attorney’s Office plans to press charges against the driver involved. This decision was

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Evidence you need for Your Personal Injury Claim in Georgia

When facing the aftermath of a personal injury in Atlanta, Georgia, understanding the critical steps and evidence required to build a strong claim which can be the difference between a successful outcome and a challenging legal journey. Many people ask our personal injury lawyers what constitutes a personal injury claim. It’s a common question but

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Personal Injury Laws and Emotional Distress: What You Need to Know

Personal injury law, often referred to as tort law, is a critical component of the legal expanse that addresses harm caused by one individual to another. This guide aims to simplify the confusing factors of personal injury law, with a particular focus on emotional distress claims. By understanding the nuances of personal injury law, you

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Understanding Comparative Negligence Rules and Legalities

Understanding Comparative Negligence in Personal Injury Cases Personal injuries can be life-altering events, often accompanied by legal complexities. When seeking recourse for harm caused by another, the legal doctrine of comparative negligence becomes a pivotal factor. This principle, prevalent in the majority of states, is a crucial aspect of tort law that shapes personal injury

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Slip, Trip, and Fall: How to Determine Liability

A simple walk down the aisle of a store or across a parking lot can take an unexpected turn when a slip, trip, or fall occurs. These common accidents can lead to serious injuries, mounting medical bills, and a significant impact on your daily life. Understanding who is liable in these situations is critical as

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Motorcycle Safety and Your Legal Rights: What Every Rider Should Know

The call of the open road resonates with motorcyclists in a way that others might never understand. The sense of freedom, the bond with the bike, and the adrenaline rush with every mile is a unique experience. However, with great freedom comes great responsibility, especially when it comes to safety and understanding your legal rights.

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Karell Trial Attorneys