Yes, you absolutely can seek compensation for both your current medical expenses and those projected for the future, especially if these costs arise due to the injuries you sustained. It’s crucial to understand that injuries from accidents, especially those that are severe, can have long-term or even lifelong consequences. Sometimes, the full extent of these injuries might not manifest immediately after the incident but can evolve over time, leading to chronic conditions or necessitating prolonged treatments. 

For instance, consider a scenario where an individual sustains a spinal injury. While initial treatments might involve surgeries or physiotherapy, long-term consequences could involve chronic pain management, further surgeries, or long-term rehabilitation. In such cases, the immediate medical bills post-accident are just the tip of the iceberg. 

Your attorney plays a vital role in this process. They will collaborate with medical experts to understand the scope and duration of your required treatments. These medical professionals can provide estimates regarding the costs of future surgeries, therapies, medications, and any assistive devices or modifications you might need. Additionally, mental health impacts from traumatic incidents can also lead to ongoing therapy or counseling costs, and these too can be factored into your compensation claim. 

Furthermore, your attorney will look into the other side of the coin—loss of income. If your injuries lead to reduced work capacity or prolonged absences, the lost wages and potential future earnings can and should be included in your claim. 

In essence, the goal is to ensure that victims are not financially burdened due to someone else’s negligence. The legal system recognizes the importance of accounting for both immediate and future costs to ensure victims can recover without the looming stress of impending medical bills. 

Remember, when seeking compensation, it’s not just about recovering from the immediate aftermath but ensuring you’re safeguarded against future uncertainties arising from the incident.