Many attorneys out there will tell you anything to sign up your case, including giving you the false promise that they can tell you the value of your case with a simple phone call.  This is a lie.  There are numerous factors that must be analyzed before an injury attorney can tell you the approximate value of your case. Even then, any true trial attorney will tell you that at the end of the day, for good and for bad, you can never guarantee what a jury will do.

When analyzing the value of a personal injury claim, an attorney will need to look at numerous factors including but not limited to:

  • The specific facts related to the underlying injury
  • All actions and inactions of all potential Defendants which may have caused or contributed to the injury
  • Review of any additional aggravating circumstances behind the injury
  • The amount of all insurance coverage available, treatment received for the injury, pain and suffering experienced due to the injury,
  • The civil and criminal history of all potential Defendants
  • The various jurisdictions where your claim can be brought.

Bottom Line, NO attorney can tell you the true value of your case with a phone call but if you would like to speak with a trial attorney to analyze the good and the bad aspects of your case that will factor in the valuation of your case, feel free to contact our office.